Happy Valentine's weekend!
I haven't done any super big changes to this yet. I just want to make a little progress and update even a little somewhat regularly.
I messed up and started a new cookie clicker run on my Macbook because I was excited to see that there was a Mac version on Steam. I used to run Cookie Clicker on my PC a lot, but I've been pretty lazy lately and haven't been turning my gaming PC on. The thing is, I work at a desk for a solid 8 hours 5 days a week and I don't want to be tied to a desk longer than I need to be. This is why I usually download games to multiple platforms and really love when games have cross-save. That way, I have the freedom to sit somewhere else in the house or lay down on the couch instead of my office chair.
Don't get me wrong, I really love my office chair. I found an awesome deal on a refurbished Herman Miller Aeron and it has been so much better than what I was using before. Ergonomics are so much more important now that my work no longer requires me to run around a huge building or ship everyday. My daily steps are way down and I need to go out of my way to get physical activity now.
Anyway, back to Cookie Clicker lol. I opened cookie clicker on my Mac and it saved over my original run in the cloud ;__; Totally my fault. I should have exported my save on PC to import to my laptop.
Luckily, I had another game going in browser that I would play on ym laptop. It's not as far along as my PC save was, but it's way better than starting all over. I had a lot of hours in on this game.
Oh yeah, the other reason I tend to resist using my PC is because it puts off a significant amount of heat. In the summer, I get roasted pretty badly in my office from my work laptop sounding like it's going to blast off into space and my slightly overclocked PC. I would love to add a direct to the attic or outside exhaust for my PC heat lol. This is an issue because we don't have central air or anything. I want to put in a minisplit but shit is expensive and all my other bills aren't going to pay themselves lol. I might get a portable AC for my office this summer or just go in to the office a little more. We'll see....
Thanks for reading this far :)
Love you!
Say it back!
I'm learning a lot today about making this website. I did the free html and CSS courses at Codecademy and it definitely cleared up some things for me.
I feel a lot more confident in the future development of this =]
I need to learn more about CSS so I can make everything look how I want. This can't stay so basic for much longer lol.